Daily ThoughtphotoDaily Thought5 LikesForget RealityphotoForget Reality2 LikesPhysically or Mentally?photoPhysically or Mentally?6 Likesdo I have maladaptive daydreaming? (newbie)I have just very recently found out about maladaptive daydreaming never heard of it before but thought is this me? If I try and explain what I do I’d be interested in anyone’s view.
Since I can re…Discussiondo I have maladaptive daydreaming? (newbie)3 Likes
November 2013
S KMemberS K2 Likes
October 2013
Candi AlexanderiaMemberCandi Alexanderia1 LikeBLANK is now FREE on amazon!
Hello everyone!
I just want all of you to know that you've all been so supportive of me and my book, and it really means a lot! Writing has really helped me make use and build on my MD's…
BlogBLANK is now FREE on amazon!3 LikesCandy Bar Scenes
I'm on a roll with blogging today.
Perhaps, it was motivated by the experience I had today. Not only forcing myself to be social and get out and it ending up being one of those RARE…
BlogCandy Bar Scenes2 Likesjust when I thought it was gone!In the month of September I had finally received an Internship at the school I'm attending with the Marketing and Communication department. The first few days I felt so great and I didn't even think…Blogjust when I thought it was gone!1 Like