Purple Hair Rock ShirtphotoPurple Hair Rock Shirt1 Like
December 2014
What my therapist says about MD
Hello all,
This summer I visited with a therapist several times. I struggle with depression in addition to MD.
In our first meeting, I was a bit surprised. Instead of talking about…
BlogWhat my therapist says about MD3 Likes
August 2013
A Dream Within a Dream- Edgar Allan Poe
I found this poem today and I really like it :)
A Dream Within A Dream- Edgar Allan Poe
"Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let…
BlogA Dream Within a Dream- Edgar Allan Poe2 LikesThinking of "K"Was feeling odd yesterday. There were times I felt good, and well?.... times not so good.
Still struggling with the budget. I mean, it's a vast improvement just to be able to say I'm…BlogThinking of "K"1 LikeI went to a Highly Sensitive Person meet-up.
Ok, so for those who don't know I have SERIOUS social problems. I pretty much can't get along with anyone, in person or on-line. It's a huge part of the reason I'm on Disability. I couldn't get…
BlogI went to a Highly Sensitive Person meet-up.6 LikesLearning CurveScrewed up again. Surprised? *cheesy grin*
You'd think with my last experience that something'd have penetrated through the vast thicknesses of my skull.
But nooo, I'm apparently…BlogLearning Curve1 Like
July 2012
Colorado Movie Theater Massacre- Sunday, July 22 as a Day of Remembrance
In memory of those who lost their lives (12 died) and the 59 injured at the Colorado movie theater and their families and loves ones, I encourage fellow malaptive daydreamers to consider…
BlogColorado Movie Theater Massacre- Sunday, July 22 as a Day of Remembrance5 LikesMD related picture I found.I came across this image on a Facebook group and I thought that this picture summed up MD perfectly, so I thought I would share it!DiscussionMD related picture I found.8 Likes