Hi lovely people!

My name is Marta and I have been maladaptive daydreaming for 7 years. It especially got worse during high school, as I was going through a very difficult time. Because of this struggling moment in my life, I started maladaptive daydreaming for hours and hours on a daily. It became my coping mechanism. While it was useful at the time, I no longer feel that I need to daydream anymore. However, my daydreams have remained stuck with me, like a habit I cannot let go of. 

Recently, I decided to create a community of people to talk openly about our daydreams, without any shame or judgment. To keep each other accountable and find peace of mind knowing that there are many more dealing with the same struggles we all are. 

Reach out to me via email: martasanchezmoles@gmail.com to ask any questions, and to send me your phone number so I can add you to the group chat and we can start chatting and feel more understood in this world.

I understand it can be hard to send your phone number to a complete stranger, but my purpose is to help all of us as much as possible. To always have a safe space where we can communicate our feelings and never judge each other. 

Let this be the first day of taking control of your life for good!

All the best,

Marta :) 

Views: 262


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Comment by Tan on December 16, 2023 at 10:04pm

Would love to join if there’s one 

Comment by Deep blue on November 14, 2023 at 8:09pm

How about an Instagram group? 

We can keep it private 

Comment by Mng on November 14, 2023 at 9:10am

Hi Marta,

while we thank you for your energy and enthusiasm, we are sure you understand the legal and privacy implications of asking to people about their email address or even worse, their telephone number.

We need to tell to all wildminds subscribers that we are not in any way involved with this request, nor we will share any detail of your data with Marta or anyone else.

Moreover, we are already HERE in a community about MD, so seems a little redudant.

Thanks for your understanding. 

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