What is your goal on day dreaming?

My goal on daydreaming is to let go of daydreaming. Letting go of daydreaming is when you stop daydreaming and you stop thinking about daydreaming.I am ready to stop daydreaming ,however that left me with having to make friends and being social. And I am terrified of speaking to anyone ,and everyone.I have to worst social skills. I have to think about my words before i say them over and over in my head. I do not know if this helps or not. I am left with only one option : make friends. I know for some people them might find this funny, but public speaking scares the heck out of me.

I ready to make friends and ready to stop daydreaming. If you guys could pray for me and send me strength and keep me determine. 

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Comment by Water Lily on August 18, 2013 at 10:36am

Hi Keonte. I have a similar problem with social interaction. Are you introverted? I tend to prefer one on one interactions over socializing in groups. When there are a lot of people, I just want to sit and watch. Too many people, too many faces to read, too much to analyze, too much stimulation. I feel the same way about public speaking. This Ted talk was really encouraging to me:


Do you think your social problems are linked to MD? I think mine may be, but not sure how... Thanks for the post!

Comment by taffle on August 17, 2013 at 8:59am
Good luck with reaching your goals!
Comment by Larry on August 15, 2013 at 9:14pm
Got your back, boss!
Working as a janitor, I clean a church. And when I'm in that church I've gotten myself in the habit of thinking of people. People I know, people I don't know, and people I'll never know exist.

I think what this is similar to what i think the Buddhists call a "loving-kindness" prayer.
Not a prayer to a specific deity or savior, but a simple acknowledgment of another's suffering.
It's a prayer of sympathy and compassion, thrown into a void of crying voices desperately seeking a strengthing of their spirit, and given with with all the love one can muster within his heart.
Ya, I'm in a weird mood tonight.....sorry. But I'll still be thinking of ya while I'm there. :)

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