I have finally striked up the discipline to email Eli Somer. I did it. I'm surprised I still have my freelance writer job. I'm currently ghostwriting an ebook for a client so haven't had too much time to write my own. Anyways, if you could ask him anything what would it be?

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Comment by Aquarius on November 9, 2013 at 2:13pm

@Candi i have a question for you. You mentioned you are working on an ebook. Could you please share on how and what it takes to get an ebook designed. I have the content, but i don't know what's next. Also it would good to learn about self publishing

Comment by Lauren M on November 3, 2013 at 1:35am

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes nothing is more important than getting our MD on. However, I had an epiphany today; the core reason I MD is because I've demonized the idea of having relationships with real people.  There's an underlying belief that pain and negativity is inevitable when dealing with real humans in the real world. The sole purpose of creating imaginary friends, relationships, worlds is to experience the favorable emotions that real human interaction create but without having to ever deal with the undesired feelings that may come with real relationships. In MD's you can have it...without really having it. All bliss...no risks. However, I now believe real people aren't half as bad as I've judged them to be for a long time. Today I made a friend and I wasn't even trying to. I was at peace with the fact that real people aren't controllable and it makes them more interesting than the characters I create. I'm really tired of controlling all the conversations and appearances of the people in my imaginary world. I'd rather just freestyle things with real people. Everyday I learn something new about this condition. The best thing we can do is continue to analyze it.

Comment by LostSoul99 on November 2, 2013 at 10:39pm

@Yeah Lauren, I often wonder that too. I have MD for as long as I can remember but I do think that the reason that I didn't grow out of it was because I am lonely like you said. But I have been though some things in life  and I feel like if I didn't have MD, I would've been depressed. I'm perfectly fine now. But put me in a situation where I'm constantly around other people, have absolutely no time for myself and I can't daydream for too long, I think I'll want to commit suicide. 

Comment by Lauren M on November 1, 2013 at 7:04pm

@LostSoul99 those are great questions. I'm wondering if MD is the result of us trying to cope with the insanity of others in our lives. Like a disease that develops as a means to combat a more severe disease. I seriously believe I developed it to block out feelings of loneliness and defeat, as a child. Sure enough it cured me of the loneliness, only to become so addicted to it that I'm now antisocial and a self defeatist. Thus, feeling lonely and unaccomplished all over again. :-/

Comment by LostSoul99 on October 30, 2013 at 10:07pm

I would ask him whether MD is the cause of our insanity or sanity? I would ask him whether it prevents us from feeling bottled up emotions and prevents us from being depressed by our past. I would ask him how we would be without it? If an MDer had a traumatic past, how would he/she have dealt with things if he/she didn't have MD or didn't produce it?

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