So... according to my English teacher said, i think i might have an inferiority complex. I know that every time i daydream, i always imagine myself to be much taller, beautiful, skinny, and popular than my real self. I think this is what caused my daydreaming in the first place. Whenever something doesn't go as planned, i imagine a different outcome. It makes me feel much happier until i realize it isn't true. I can distinguish between whats real and whats not but the fantasy world is just much more appealing if that makes sense. What do you guys think about this?

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Comment by Naomi Moon on December 15, 2014 at 2:06pm
Dear sujaek, thank you. But im afraid that's easier said than done. Im not sure what to do.
Comment by sujaek on December 15, 2014 at 4:38am

Dear Naomi,
The word therapy does not only mean going to an external source for help. Therapy can also be helping yourself in a structured way. As Blair has pointed it most of us are in late thirties. Though I have managed to succeed academically and professionally my interpersonal relations were affected. If at all I had more insights I would have had a more happier life. I feel helping oneself is the best way. Take care good luck

Comment by Blair on December 14, 2014 at 4:28pm

I don't know too much about your personal situation, but I wouldn't put anything off. The problem a lot of us have is that we're in our 30s and 40s and have to change some well established habits that have robbed us of our better years. The sooner you learn to control your MD and use your imagination in a constructive way and not let it distract you from real world responsibilities, the better you will be. 

Comment by Naomi Moon on December 14, 2014 at 10:30am

Sorry guys, that was irrelevant. I do like what you said sujaek about the therapy. I was thinking of going to one when i get older. Right now im young and people would question it. Ive seen movies about shrinks and i dont want people thinking im crazy.

Comment by Naomi Moon on December 14, 2014 at 9:50am
Its my birthday today. :)
Comment by Blair on December 14, 2014 at 7:55am

The issue is about moderation. Alcohol relieves stress too. But if you go too far with any of your coping techniques, your life as a whole suffers. The problem a lot of us have here is that we can't find that balance; one or two drinks every now and then as part of a busy and productive life, instead we don't even like being sober.

Comment by sujaek on December 14, 2014 at 4:38am

Today I head something called imagination therapy for relieving the stress. We are blessed that we are born with the technique. Good luck

Comment by Ana on December 13, 2014 at 1:57pm

I have the same as you! Is terrible, becuse life´s not always nice, and it´s so difficult not to daydream about something better... 

Comment by Blair on December 9, 2014 at 2:42pm

I wouldn't want to have my MD taken from me outright. It's just something that needs to be balanced with real life. As someone who needs creativity in his life, I don't want to lose my imagination, even if the fleas are about the same size as the dog. 

Comment by Naomi Moon on December 9, 2014 at 12:32pm

So maybe we all do it. Maybe it just comes with the MDD. So i would guess that a way to prevent it from reaching our offspring is to make sure they are super confident. Although im not sure if i would wish my daydreaming away if i ever had the choice. I mean the ability to just be lost in a story in your head that you can control! I dont hate it as much as others do.

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