Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
I just want to know if anyone can relate to how I feel or if anyone experiences the world similarly.
The best way I can describe my case is by alluding to the matrix. For those of you who aren't familiar with this film, 1. shame on you and 2. go research it a little before continuing to read this blog.
Anyways, the way in which neo perceives the "matrix" world fundamentally changes after he realizes the truth. When he comes back into the matrix, he perceives it differently solely because of his knowledge that the world is artificial. At the end of the movie, this newfound "perspective" comes to ultimate fruition when he literally sees the environment in that green, rain-like code. Now I obviously don't literally see the world in code(that would be a sensory hallucination), but I feel it. This seems to me like the perceptual manifestation of my worldview. I believe that the nature of the physical world or "substance" is very different than how we perceive it to be. This is because everything is made of atoms. And atoms are mostly empty space. Atoms of course have their constituent parts (protons, neutrons, electrons, i.e. subatomic particles), and I believe that they too are mostly empty space. So if you keep digging deeper into reality, you approach a microscopic infinity (1/infinity). This is why the true essence of reality, at least in my opinion, is a formless, mathematical construct that you can't sense. The physical world(space, time, matter, what have you) and all of its complexity, is derived from different manifestations of this formless construct.
So my day dreams are based on this idea. It's kind of like I have two streams of consciousness. One stream perceives the world as though physical objects are in fact "physical" and they are distinct from space and time, and all of the manifestations of matter have an inherent uniqueness. This is I believe is the default mode of the human brain.
The other stream perceives the world as different parts of the all encompassing, formless construct that is existence. There is an overriding order to everything that happens in the void of existence. And this concept seems to describe the nature of my daydreams. Just a constant, non-sensory perception of reality as absolute, infinite(in reference to the micro and the macro), and uniform. This makes me feel extremely connected with not only my species, not only all living things, not only the earth, but ultimately the fundamental building blocks of existence. I'll call this stream the abstract stream and as for the first one I described, I'll call it the concrete stream.
It seems like this abstract stream is becoming more and more my "default" mode of thinking. This stream is usually invoked involuntarily and can even run in unison with the other stream. It's almost like I process the same information in two different the same time. For example, say I'm talking to someone. The concrete stream will process whatever the person is telling me and generate an appropriate response. The abstract stream is sort of "aware" of the underlying processes that are taking place. The person's vocal box oscillates, which creates a wave in the air in between us. my ear drum senses this wave form and converts the information into electrical information that my brain processes, which sets off another chain of events to stimulate my own vocal box and the process repeats itself. It's almost like I form a conceptual flow chart in my mind of the inner workings of a process. And this happens on its own, I don't have to think about it to do it.
The main point I want you guys to take away is that this abstract stream completely dominates the way i perceive. And its not necessarily an impairment because I can, like I said before, run it in unison with the concrete stream; it's actually soothing. I feel joy and peace when I perceive the world this way and sometimes prefer that mode of thinking to the alternative.
Sorry if my description of my psychology seems vague, but I tried my best lol. Putting into words the abstract thought processes that are running through my head is one of the hardest things to do. But I just want to know if there are others like me. Thanks for reading and let me know.
Yes. But yes to Email's model as well. If I perceive to many layers of reality at once I trigger a migraine.
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