I have had MD as long as I can remember and it feels like when I grow a little older then my minds gets slower. Is it just me. A few years ago my mother told me that I had selective memory which means that I listen and remember the things I want then tune everything else out. maybe because she has to tell me things more than 3 times to get me to listen. I think it's so true but I'm not sure. I mean the whole thing makes me want to stay on neuroscience games. Anybody else?

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Comment by SwanInTheWater on September 10, 2013 at 7:45pm

This started to happen to me, but now my memory is almost as incredible as it was when I was younger. I think the reason it had gotten so bad for a bit was because I wasn't really living in the here and now. Multitasking, and generally not really paying attention to what was happening; doing a task while thinking about something else, etc. Try some neuroscience games if you wish, but also make sure that you're paying attention to things. 

Comment by Stormy on September 10, 2013 at 6:22pm

I would like to believe my memory is stellar. LOL. I have been told I have a memory like an Elephant. Except of course the last few years my short term memory is horrible but that is only because I have to multitask like WHOA - every day of my life. So, I think I have to cut myself a break on that. But the idea that perhaps all my life I've truly had selective memory and most of my memories are skewed - it's a disturbing thought!

Comment by Noé Salvador Cuervo Carvallo on September 9, 2013 at 8:17pm

Me too. Sometimes i forgot things pretty fast and get involved in problem with others. Because of that i have to carry a diary every day... but is part of that thing.

Comment by Rafael Hernandez on September 9, 2013 at 6:25pm
Yes. I feel that my minds became slower and I tend to forget things that some time ago I didn't forget.

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