I noticed there are similarities in both the addictions of daydreaming and playing video games. Just as a kid will whine or even have a tantrum over you walking in front of the tv or, God forbid, BREAK his beloved Xbox, so do I get very annoyed/angry at whoever knocks on my front door and interrupts my daydreaming or building of daydreams. I'm forced to hit pause and I must remember where I left off when I return.
What's troubling is how sometimes gamers die from playing too much. 20 Years Old is way too young to die and 16 is even more sad. Do you think a person can become so addicted to MDing that they forget to eat? Or completely do away with exercise or sleep to the point of it being fatal? As for myself, I admit that sometimes I sacrifice getting adequate sleep in order to daydream longer through the night. Even if I have something important to do the next morning.
Which do you think is more powerful of an addiction, gaming or daydreaming?
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