Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
HEllo and thank you Cordellia for tmaking ths webste. It is very helpful and it lets me know that I am not alone.
SOO . I just spent the past hour typing away and my computer froze... dont feel like retyping it but it was about : how I found this site, why I dont know why i have MDD (because my childhood was pretty good, besides a fussy mom) and how think it takes over/ruins my life and keeps me from being the best me!
Now I see some people dont mind there MDD, but I do. If it makes you feel better than do what makes you happy. I just feel like it makes me miss out on so many opportunities.I do love the fact that I am creative and can entertain myself when bored. But its when I do it all day, week that leads to me being unproductive. It also leaves me coming off as a little awkward because Im always off in "LALA land".
I have read many great ideas on how to control it/ween my self off of it.I thank everyone on here for not being afraid to have an imput on this blog. It helped me realize that I waas not crazy/the only one!!Because of it , I just may tell my parents...
The main reason why I wanted to write on this blog was because I have been doing some thinking and came up with a conclusion. I want to know if others have had MDD effect what you chose to do in our real life.
Long story short ,I WAS extremely shy and I used (age 10) MDD to live out a more extroverted world for me. I also fantasized that I looked amazing; hair makeup, outfit, shoes,etc. This later became an obsession with clothing and outer appearance. I would make an entire look in my head, and everyone would love it and compliment me and i was living a fab life. Now I also am a VERY caring and helpful person and wanted to be a social worker. But I felt that because of the MDD i chose to go into fashion industry. It wasn't until my senior year of college that realized I should have went with a human service major. I now have been living in NYC working in fashion, what some may say is the Fabulous life! But I am truly miserable, Id rather be back home on my granny's farm fishing on her pond!, Not contributing to others low self esteem by: telling them they too fat, ugly, have to buy overpriced clothes that will be out of season every month!( I don't do most of those mean things, but the people i work for/with do that and worse).
I am fed up and now am planning the proper steps( Whenever I can sop MDD and focus) to Go back to school to do what was initially in my HEART , not in my MIND.
So my question(s) is.. Does your MDD effect your decisions in the real world. Do you fantasize about something so much that you think you love it and should have it /do it and you later realize that was for your character in your mind not YOU? MDD may be good for a writing/producing career, but does it make you do/be someone that you truly are not.
Also another ??.. Does your MDD make you miss out on hanging with friends. I get so caught up with my daydreams that I bail out on them. This has caused them to get mad at me and exclude me because they think i will decline the invite?
I am very open minded and wont get offended..with please feel free.
After all, this is OUR blog to vent with Like(Wild)Minded individuals!!
The rare DDs related to my life, yep I used it, I recently DD about playing piano..and now I'm learning it!(in real life!)
But the standard DD is totally fantasious and seems impossilbe make it real.
I think DD make me very fast in making mental associations, so it helped me a lot in studies, because i study physics that absolutely oriented to problem solving.
Everything you say makes sense. Even for those of us who find the positive in MD and enjoyment in it, it still has negative impacts. Its not all good and its not all bad. To answer your questions, it distances me from my family even though they live close by. My Mom gets disappointed. She tries to think up excuses like "she's depressed" or "maybe her fiance is controlling her", but its not any of these things. I'm trying to get better about and about being more social in general.
I think you are doing great deciding what you really want to do and going for it. If what you are doing now makes you feel bad then you are making the right choice. Focusing is the hard part, but you can do it. ;)
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