I haven't updated recently so I figured I would share what I'm currently going through. It's the end of the summer for me, I am moving back on campus in ten days.. and I haven't had a daydream over a couple of minutes in about two weeks. This is weird, really weird because usually by now I would be daydreaming on overdrive while I still can spend entire days to myself. I'm almost scared because when I move back to school I am going to have no choice but to not daydream for a few weeks at least. I'm living with five other people, it would be almost impossible. I guess I'm just afraid that this might be the calm before the storm and when I feel I'll really need my daydreams again, I'll already be moved into the apartment.

I'm not having the crazy reaction I usually have to not daydreaming either. I don't know how to take it. The only change in my personality or emotions seems to be the fact that I don't really care about anything anymore. I'm not depressed, I'm just going through the motions and picking myself up after a rough summer. Even when I try to daydream for fun or because I am triggered, the dreams themselves are awfully boring so I cut them short. I don't know, part of this might have to do with the fact that I think the MD stems from dependent personality disorder and I have been working with controlling my dependency a lot recently.

So currently I'm just wondering how long it will be. I have never heard of someone just stopping dreaming without making the attempt to quit of course so I'm expecting them to come back full force? /: Who knows at this point

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Comment by J Noland on August 16, 2012 at 9:16pm
I recently stopped dding for no apparent reason. None of my dds interested me, none of my usual trigger music worked, it was a total no go. I also felt empty. I really missed it. Then one day I was looking through a web site about a tv show that I've watched for a while. I've looked at the web site several times before this. Suddenly I was struck by how much I enjoyed watching one of the characters so I looked up as much as I could about him. Suddenly I'm back in full on dd mode. It's like whatever was switched off was instantly switched back on again. I know how miserable it is to be in a house full of people with no private time where you can dd. I hope you find some time when you can dd uninterrupted. Maybe the lull in dds will help you get a head start on your studies for the new term. Read ahead as many chapters as you can! My lack of dds lasted about 2 months. I was bored bored bored. People tend to think that if their dds stopped they might be able to get some real life stuff done but I was a useless lump, my own fault admittedly. I hope things start going your way soon.

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