Lady Tuesday isn't my real name.  I've never told anyone about my daydreaming before.  And I don't plan to anytime soon, at least not anonymously.  I'm also not comfortable sharing my daydreams either.  Maybe, one day in the future, I'll feel ready to tell you about what goes on in my dinky little head.  It's not anything heinous or embarrassing, it's just I feel that my daydreams are something that belongs to me, and me only.  The characters I've made up are very dear to me, the longest-running characters have been in my life since I was around 11.  And I'm 23 now, so phew! it's been over a DECADE???!!!  Holy crap!  Alright, just wanted to introduce myself to this community of wonderfully creative, imaginative people.  =)  Here's my story:

I learned about MD several months ago.  I was pretty sure at the time that I was a maladaptive daydreamer, but I was not willing to learn more about it other than the basics.  I think it was due to fear that I would read about something that would make me want to stop daydreaming.  And I didn't want to stop, it was something that I enjoyed very much since I was a young child.  I guess you can call it a sort of 'denial' if you want.  I didn't want to believe that my compulsive daydreaming could cause a negative impact on my life.  I rather embraced living in a very vivid imaginary world to spice up the boring real one.  And after all, I was a social butterfly, always considering myself to be an extrovert, always easily making friends, and doing well academically.  At one point in my life I had balance.  True balance of both worlds.  However, things in my life have changed recently...or maybe it's me that has changed.  I realize that my daydreaming has taken a wrong turn in these last few months.  I've noticed that I've been alienating many of my friends, declining social invites, and preferring to just go home and be by myself.  This is not like me at all.  All my life I've always preferred the company of others.  Even when I was crazy tired at the end of the day, I would much rather be with my friends than by myself.  A few months ago, I started to prefer my imaginary friends over the ones in real life who just so happened to be BEGGING me to hang out with them.  Yet even then, I denied that my daydreaming was causing me trouble.  Only very, very recently have I really saw what MD was doing to my life.  For the past few weeks, I've noticed that I've been zoning out on the freeways recently.  A LOT.  I'm finding myself missing my daily exits, making wrong turns, and almost hitting dividers in the road because I'm not paying enough attention.  And yes it's one thing for me to let my daydreaming take over my life (I never felt like it was a 'waste' of time), but I'm pretty much a frikkin' road hazard to other people right now.  It pains me to admit that I do need to tone done my imaginary world.  After all, it IS an addiction.  Why in the world would I ever want to stop something that brings me so much pleasure?  Because I'm putting other people at risk now.  And I don't want to be that person who runs over a kid or accidentally walks into traffic because she was lost in a daydream (and yes, both these things have almost happened to me on several occasions recently too). I joined this site hoping to find some comfort from other who also have MD, and maybe learn a few techniques on controlling the daydreams better.  So here I am.  Step one: admitting that I have an addiction.

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Comment by taffle on December 11, 2012 at 8:00am

welcome to the website! Daydreaming and driving is a scary mix, and a potentially lethal one.

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