Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
I am 17 years old and have been severely depressed the last year. I felt disconnected with everyone and admitted my depression to no one.( don't worry,I recently seeked help for this) I have always daydreamed since I was a kid, it helps me cope with stress. And well, when i isolated myself in depression i made another reality. I have always been able to back off from my daydreams and they have only ever lasted a few moths at a time, but this one has lasted a long time and i've become incredibly attached to my characters, (specifically the main male character).In my daydream I am a character, and most of my interaction is with his character.I am grateful that I have daydreaming because it helped me cope with my depression immensely, but i cant help being worried how attached I have gotten to that world. It seems as though not an hour goes by that i'm not at my "other home" chit chatting away or doing something adventurous.
HAHA the upper part really doesn't ask a questions it just rambles but anyway, to the point!
I am worried about how attached I have become. I have become so attached to him because I probably went through the hardest time of my life. I get upset when I tell myself "he's not real" and how it's silly to think he ever could be, and usually end up throwing myself into a panic attack, or getting really upset. In a way I would like to be free of my emotional attachment to him, because I know i'm going to upset myself in the end, but i'm also afraid that I became so dependant on him that i may go back into depression, and not handle everything without him. (oh, and the person i sought support from about my depression doesn't know about my attachment to my character)
ya that kinda covers it... wow I feel like such a downer.(of which i'm sorry)
when the world that we make in our minds is like real life then we can think in being the characteristic from fake world, cs the character is only thing that u control but u also contol the world so when u can control this world i mean the real world then ur theory can work .
when the world that we make in our minds is like real life then we can think in being the characteristic from fake world, cs the charictar is only thing that u contol but u also contol the world so when u can control this world i mean the real world then ur theory can work .
He is more real than you think. He is a part of you that is not comming out (yet?). Even if it is not your charactere in the DD, even if he is a male. Think about the way he act and ask yourself how you can be like him in real life.
listen i know life aint easy , cs i know better about that ,it just trust me for as i experinced, yes the daydreaming make it easier each day its just it make u much worst from the real,and it distract u from what u should really do , to fight through t this unfair world and that each time u fall u get up and rise agian , and for me the day dreaming is the poison that beatifies our falls so we ll be always ling on the ground and never ever even try to get up
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