Have you ever daydreamed about if the characters from ur daydreams came to ur actual world. I do.

I also do something where I pretend they are there during the day, like I'm really siting on the couch and my characters are sitting next to me. But I don't do It often.

Well.... Yeah.

First post, sorry for horribleness. Yeah....

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Comment by Terrell on February 3, 2013 at 9:46pm
I do this all the time. Been doing it for years. I'll be sitting at the table eating or on the couch watching TV and a character will be sitting in the room or next to me, sometimes reading, sometimes talking to me. Sometimes I'm out taking a walk or standing outside watching the sunset or something and I have a character with me. I've done it for so long, and it's so easy to do, and it has never interfered in my real world, so I really don't want to stop doing it. But yes, I am always pretending a character is there, etc. Sometimes I am out somewhere and I pretend I am an actor or a director and I'm on a movie set, and there is a TV/film crew around me with boom mikes, cameras, lights, etc. I will look at a building or set of buildings and imagine that after the scene is shot, CG artsts will add more buildngs next to or behind them, (Empire State Building, etc) and a different sky, to make it appear the scene is set in a different location. Crazy, I know, but my imagination never goes to sleep. ;-)
Comment by Floris on January 30, 2013 at 4:43am

Actually I think it's a strength to give yourself a place in fantasies with your fantasy folks. I would guess that your fantasy is one where you personally are important to others.

Somehow I do not feel this need, I want to be left alone. Honestly I daydream mostly about just observing my fantasy characters, how they would actually act in real life, in the media, sitting with Oprah, playing a sports finals, etc. Vanity...but I like the idea that my alter ego's are SEEN by the world, as much as possible.

My own person rarely exists when they are around. Because that's kind of a paradox, they are alter ego's, sometimes split into 3: brother, sister and sister's lover. I am not gay btw, but hetero. When I don't fantasize about myself but those alter egos, and it DOES happen to be about sex, then it's more of a solo sexuality thing I guess.

But usually I'm not visible because I am them, I AM my fantasy characters, but somehow not actually fantasizing being in their bodies usually because I want to SEE their faces, their beauty, being a visually oriented male ;-). Like playing an RPG in third person. 

Comment by Annie on January 29, 2013 at 11:54pm

I've tried doing that once, just couldn't make it work for me. On the other hand I talked to my dog most of my childhood to teen years. You should see how many strange stares I got from people. =D

Comment by LJ on January 29, 2013 at 10:38pm

Yeah.....  Me to.  Just be careful.  It can lead to talking to yourself out loud.


Comment by Selena on January 29, 2013 at 9:49pm
I actually went through a whole school year once when I pretended one of my characters was in all my classes. Now there were times when I would forget....
Comment by Wish Upon A Wish on January 29, 2013 at 8:08pm

I have that almost all of the time, actually. Always just one character at a time. I also had it a lot in school, mostly when really bored, I'd imagine a character come in, some times for an actual reason, something pertaining to my DDs (or AU. I keep almost typing that, since I learned a bunch of fanfic terms, it stands for Alternate Universe) and sometimes I just end up, in  Daydreams, outside of class just chatting with them (when IRL I was still sitting at my desk, holding pen above paper, looking like I was thinking of what to write.)

I never though about who my characters would hang out with at school, partly because I never had any actually going to my school, and partly because I'm my main character, so obviously my DD friends would hang out with me.

Comment by Jennifer on January 29, 2013 at 7:44pm
Me too!! Honestly, if I met my characters at my school, I'd be extremely jealous of them. -__- Haha! I made them have everything I don't; everything I've ever longed for. :/
Comment by ashlee on January 29, 2013 at 7:41pm

i often think about who my characters would actually hang out with if they went to my school. I don't think any of them would talk to me lol, but i could imagine each click everyone would be in. 

on occasion i daydream that they come to my school and i freak out and im like "omg there real! and there here!" and they know who i am and my friend knows who they are cause i told her about my daydream and yeah its stupid :$

Comment by Jennifer on January 29, 2013 at 7:38pm
Hi, Selena!
No worries, I understand the anxiety of a first post. And it is certainly not horrible, it's a really good topic! I'm interested in seeing what other people will say in response. :)
I have done this before. For MDers, this definitely shouldn't be considered 'weird.' It's probably actually pretty common. Sometimes, when I'll break down and just burst into sudden tears about something that has been on my mind, I'll imagine the Idolized version of myself crying about her issues, too, so I can remind myself that even my Ideal Me has problems, too. And sometimes I'll even (on days when I don't have the chance to daydream) think about what I did today, and then made up little things my Ideal Me did today. Like, I'll think to myself, "She got up in the morning, spent time with her boyfriend, then the two of them took a walk on the beach, and then they went inside and had lunch, hung out again, and then he took her to a romantic dinner..." You probably get the point. :P
You're not alone, Selena. Hope you feel better about this soon!

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