Oh boy.....I have waited for years and now there is a name associated with this behavior!  I "rocked" and listened to music for YEARS!  Since I can remember...all the way until I was 31.  I am 44 now.  I need to understand what took over my life for such a long period of time.


As long as I can remember, I could rock back and forth and get lost in whatever music I felt like listening that day.  It was something I HAD to do!  Before work, at least one hour was set aside to rock...after work, well, one, two maybe three hours?  I could get lost in my daydream and not know what time it was.  If I needed to rock, and did not have the time to, I was a fidgety, miserable grouch.  Just like a person who needed a cigarette!


I would love to hear stories about what type of ritual you all go through...do you rock?  Listen to music?  So glad I found this group!

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Comment by J Noland on September 25, 2011 at 7:57pm
That would be strange for me to just stop all of a sudden. I've had stretches of time where I've realised that I'd not been doing it or wasn't spending dedicated time just rocking/dding. But it always comes back just like a personality quirk that I can't change. It's definetly easier to manage these days. Maybe that comes with age? Music is a total trigger, in fact I hate to have music on in the background if other people are around.
Comment by michel marie pothier on September 23, 2011 at 7:01am

Thanks for the responses.  Very interesting!!!!  J Noland, you asked if I have stopped, and the answer is yes.   There are aspects that I do miss.  Since I rocked to music, if I am driving and a song comes on, I still have the pictures in my head.  I can have a momentary lapse of where I am driving, many times missing my turn!  It has also been harder dealing with life in general without my escapes.  Sometimes I am at a lose as to how to handle things


TheDreamer asked how I stopped daydreaming/rocking.  Well....it's really weird because I have often tried to understand how all of this played out.  I was 31 and planning my wedding.  It seems that I no longer needed myself to be the 'star' in my daydreams...maybe because I found someone who I was a 'star' to?  Maybe because I was crazy busy?  Honestly, I don't understand it myself! I have pondered that for sooooo long and cannot understand it at all!  I do think being busy is very important!  Avoiding the environment and triggers that make it easy to daydream would be a good place to start.


I was MISERABLE if I couldn't rock and listen to music.  It would ruin my day if I didn't have my time to do it!  

Comment by Creator on September 22, 2011 at 11:16pm
I run and jump around/pace in my room, while listening to music. intense.
Comment by Patty on September 22, 2011 at 8:29pm
I don't rock and listening to music would distract me from the DD, but I move my foot and I should tape myself to see what my face looks like when I'm doing it.  I've found that I've stopped watching TV and haven't done much reading in the last few months because I'm on a daydream bender.
Comment by J Noland on September 22, 2011 at 8:18pm
I am a rocker mostly too! Though I do pace sometimes. The rocking really puts me into a trance and hours can go by. And I always have music along with it. Sometimes the music is just like a soundtrack and other times I actually incorporate the words into the dd itself. Have you stopped dding? Do you miss it? I can plan my dding these days so it doesn't interfere with life like it did growing up, 38 now. But I don't want to stop completly, it's too relaxing and stress relieving.
Comment by TheDreamer on September 22, 2011 at 6:06pm
Yes, my daydreams are with music and rocking...exactly like you. I can loose ours on end lost inside my mind daydreaming. One question, how did you stop your obsessive day dreaming? Because im only 19...and want to end this before i get a job so it wont interfer with my work/social life. Please tell me how you managed to stop this.

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