My excessively curious brain makes me learn about important things in the most unexpected ways possible.

This time, it happened while playing Ace Attorney. Happened twice, actually, but only once relevant to this post.

Not long after starting the game, I was getting YouTube recommendations about it. Mostly fandom things. Mostly severe brain damage inducing. Especially headcanon stuff. I hate the latter everywhere, not just in Ace Attorney.

Finally, I've got one that digs deep and reveals the meanings behind characters' names. They're puns and easy to get, but I couldn't wrap my brain around a certain few, so gave it a try.

It's here if you're interested:

The only name that didn't make sense to me was Godot.

Godot, Godot, Godot.

Then lo, one of the comments mentions an Irish play by Samuel Beckett... Waiting for Godot. (That comment has spoilers that agree with the character)

I've read its summary on the internet. The author claimed that he knew nothing for certain except that main characters had to wear boiler hats. That's it. Rest is public interpretation. Naturally, I dropped everything and went MIA to watch it.

Here's the full version:

I'd be interested to know what people here think each character represents and what meaning this story could have if it wanted to have one. Especially keen on your suggestions how it can be tied with MD.

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