Frustrated and unable to sleep I climbed out of bed; my fantasy world was keeping me awake again, nothing new. I went downstairs to use the laptop as not to disturbed my sleeping boyfriend. I almost laughed to myself as I typed into Google ‘addiction to daydreaming’.

The fantasy realm has always been my other world but this was honestly the first time I coherently thought of it as an addiction and even then half in jest, yet I know in my mind I cannot stop, it is to me a compulsion resulting in a natural high. Previous searches however have been adult imaginary friends and addiction to own brain chemistry.

I discovered MD 2 nights ago now and I am a real classic case by the looks of those symptoms. What strikes me more than anything is the negativity that seems to surround this compulsion online. 

I signed up as a member here yesterday because I’m interested I finally have an answer as to why I am so weird yet weirdness has only ever in my mind served me as an advantage. I also felt strangely disappointed; I liked feeling unique yet relived to not be alone at the same time. Logically I knew there had to be someone out there like me. I used to think I have Asperger Syndrome many of my traits seemed to overlap, It’s good to have answers.

Some peoples experiences and thier perceptions of MD  are different to minei respect that. As a teenager I found it much harder to control my need to daydream, I would skip school stay at home and do nothing but draw and daydream simultaneously. I built a portfolio that got me into art school while forcing myself to get passible grades in English & Math. I generally surrounded myself with creative activities I can do while in at least a half daze. I have never attempted to stop only to work with this compulsion, consciously even finding ways to feed it through stimuli in the media.

Maybe I should be looking into therapy and bringing this under control, I don't want to but I need to examine do I need too.

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Comment by rainydaydreams on February 7, 2012 at 2:45pm

I had to laugh my best friend in high school used to say i would be covered in tattoos when I got older, my poor mother 'bless her' was convinced I would die of ink poisoning.

Its really interesting that you say you was one of the kids that get left behind failing in silence, I find this troubling often its the quietest kids that do need the most attention kind of like the advice given in First aid, tend to the quietest ones first. This was defiantly me in high school.

I currently work freelance as a web designer, luckily i have good connections in the industry and access to a few high profile projects for the area that i live at least. I would never have made these connections without art school and without my excessive dd .....

I am currently on a waiting list to see a therapist and have been for over a year now, I cannot afford to go privately simple as that and my Dr is skeptical about me doesn't even want to give me anti anxiety tablets. I am glad I have found this site as I have been able to self analyse with some more perspective and compare myself to others. 

Thank you Emilia for those nice comments too :)

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