A Lifetime of Creating Worlds and Stories

I have been dreaming about my own worlds and coming up with characters and plots for as long as I can remember. When I was in primary school I loved engaging in role play and fantasy with other kids. We all had our own imaginary worlds and would freely share our stories with each other. Most of them grew out of it, but I remember one friend who still worked on her world when she was a teenager. She also wrote short stories. I don´t know if her world is still "active". Although we are very close friends, I never ask her.

I used to write pieces of dialogue and make drawings as a child, often isnpired by movies, or comics or stories that influenced my world (the original Star Wars played a big role for a while).


I didn´t talk about my worlds, but I was always creative. When I was 12 a teacher told us to write a short story for the next class. i wrote a little Science Fiction story, but got a terrible reaction. She scolded me in front of the class for "stealing" a story rom somewhere. She totally refused to believe that I had written it myself. Even a friend who was doing her homework with me that afternoon, couldn´t convince her I really had written it myself.

I no longer know the details of the story, just the main subject and I am absolutely sure even today that it was my own idea. I had enough ideas, why should I steal one?


Luckily even at 12 years, I decided the teacher was crazy not me, and the other children supported me in class. But it was a very bizzarre and unexpected reaction, after all I was proud of my little story, because the "flow" really worked. Although I didn´t use the word "flow" in those days. 


I kept on DD all through university and various jobs. I did miss the occasional appointments, I do sometimes cancel an event because "my story" has reached an interesting turning point and I want to spend time alone going over the scenarios. But I don´t confuse real life with my stories. It is more like a very fascinating life long hobby. A hobby I never spoke about to anyone and as I got older I wondered if my worlds were normal.


When I am under heavy emotional pressure I do use my worlds as an escape. But I still believe this is better than watching TV. For many years I didn´t even have a TV and now I just occasionally watch the news. I prefer real movies, cinema, reading or my own mind.

I don´t pace and can do it anywhere, anytime - on the bus, while I walk, before I go to sleep, even during a boring meeting. Music is a strong trigger and I sometimes create playlists on itunes for a scene. Just like the music score for a movie. I also enjoy watching SciFi and Fantasy movies and if they show a beautiful world in terms of architecture or design I incorporate elements into my worlds. 


I have several main characters beside myself. Most of them stay with me for years. But I am also the "loyal friend " in real life, I am good at keeping relationships and friendships going for many years, even long distance. Anyway, with the internet it has become so much easier. I remember writing letters to my friends in foreign countries and only on Christmas or Birthday was I allowed to make an expensive long distance phone call...


The only thing that does surprise me is that many of my main characters don´t have a name. At the moment only three characters have a name. Not even my current love interest has a name although he has been with me for "years".


My own character is an idealized version of myself and conveniently she doesn´t need to exercise to stay fit and attractive...but inspite of the fantastic scenarious, the character is emotionaly very similar to my real self. Yes, she may have amazing abilities and experiences, but I don´t turn into a Warlord Dictator in my Dworld (which I am quite happy about). 


Some things she experiences I don´t want to experience myself, sometimes I pity my character because I make her go through a lot of sad plots as well. But that is the way she learns and matures.  And of course if everything was pink and easy for her - what would I dream about? It would be boring...


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