So, it's been a while since I've written one of these and I thought I might make one for the fun of it. I'm not even sure if anyone will read it, but I find them extremely gratifying, so here goes.

          I started the day with another addition to my neglected dream journal; it was a strange dream and it got me thinking: Why do you (or me, at least) never have dreams of normal things? Something like watching television when nothing's really on, except that show that's not really your favourite, but you've grown to like it when the schedule get's dull. I thought I'd revive my journal after a read through last night. It was really fun revisiting them, but I still can't bring myself to read through the nightmares; makes me shiver.

          A quick update on the homeless woman (She looks like a Catherine): It's almost as if she doesn't want my money. Here's the thing; some days, if I'm in quite a good mood, I get change out ready to give to her. The only problem so far, is that she's NEVER there if I get some money ready and vice versa. It's actually getting really frustrating; I hate having to say, "sorry I haven't" everytime she asks if I can spare some money and, as stupid as it sounds, I keep worrying that she'll think I'm a horrible person.

          Not much has happened recently; I have a terrible memory, so I can't really give an update. The weather's not been too great. I had to go shopping to pick up a few bits and bobs and it was raining again. It didn't even have the courtesy to rain heavily, it was just that "wet rain"; another phrase I've never quite understood. Prima facie, I'd expect heavier rain to be the "wet rain", but apparently not.

          That's all for now, I think. Thanks for reading, if you did. If you didn't...Meh.

          Oh yeah. Crusts, bought some bread that has really dry crusts and I only have water to drink right now, so I'm cutting the crusts off...Incase you were wondering. Bye!

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Comment by Eva Nescent on April 26, 2013 at 10:13pm

"Oh yeah. Crusts, bought some bread that has really dry crusts and I only have water to drink right now, so I'm cutting the crusts off...Incase you were wondering." I was wondering, thank you clearing that up =P i love reading these, they make me laugh. 

Comment by Elizabeth Moore on March 23, 2013 at 5:28pm

This is oddly soothing to read.

Anyway - crusts are yummy!

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