This started happening to me when I was about 22. I started seeing random images of art. I can watch a slideshow in my head of paintings, cartoons, movies...any type of visual art. Things that I have never seen before and it is endless. I can change channels for any type of art I desire. I only wish I had the talent to paint these images into real life. I used to, but I've had a bit of brain damage and now my hands don't cooperate with my brain in some areas.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this in MD ? It can be very addicting and very frustrating because I want to show others these beautiful images but I can't.
This sort of daydreaming happens to me when I am listening to music. Something inspires a work of art or picture, and then that inspires a series and so on. I am right there with you with wanting to show others, like I just want to project everything that I see so people can watch it with me.