Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
So what type of art would you like to create? Poetry, literature, painting, etc?
Personally, I like to write. I would like to publish a book in the future. One problem I have though is that I'll start a story I'm really interested in but then my mind will become interested in something else, and I'll abandon the first half-written project. It's as though I churn out stories in my head faster than I can write them down.
One thing that's gotten me very excited is the writing process of the show community. They have an "embryo farm" of all these less-than-half-baked ideas, literally a whole room just wall to wall with bursts of inspiration, and then a writer or two link them together in a certain fashion to make an episode. So, every show is kinda written by everyone. DOUBLE MEANINGS WOAH *cough*
I defiantly feel like I already have more stories than I could ever tell in a life time. But I'm going to try. I'm hoping to go to an art school and major in illustration and minor in creative writing. I really want to do graphic novels based off my story dreams, since that is often the format I picture them in.
I'm also doing my 10 piece art series based off of a world that I dream about... It's a little hard though because my teacher asks questions like "Where did the idea for these land forms come from," she is also very in to finding deep meaning in ones work...
I'm also not all that great or fast at drawing, which makes it hard for me to accomplish anything beyond a description of the story and a few characters, and maybe a few sketches if I'm feeling inspired. And I don't want to try and start a bunch of long stories at once. So I have about two I am focusing on right now, one I'm doing both the art and the story for, the other one of my friends (who is much more skilled) is doing the art. The rest of the story ideas I get I write down in a journal. One of the hardest things is when I haven't written any down in a long time and I have so many ideas I skimp on writing good descriptions. It also makes it hard for me to concentrate or fall asleep, since there are a bunch of stories and characters all demanding attention, like little baby chicks; and if I'm half asleep the stories sometimes blend together, and I can't sort out or concentrate on the details. Writing down summaries of the story helps me get the sequence of events straight in my head, as well as the details and causes of things, writing descriptions of the characters helps me understand them better and also gives me an opportunity to choose and write down names for then, which makes imagining conversations a lot smoother, since there doesn't have to be an awkward gap where the name should go. If you are like me and are terrible at coming up with names, I would recommend getting a dictionary of names, it has helped me tremendously. I know there are websites that provide the same service, but since I write in a physical journal, I find it easier to have something that can be accessed and flipped through at any time.
Sorry for the huge wall of text... I tend to ramble quite a lot. I'm very happy I found this site, it's great to know there are people whose stories are as vivid to them as they are to me. It also makes me feel better about the stories that are inspired by my personal fantasies of adventure.
I would love to hear about other peoples stories, and share some of my own.
I am a writer, and artist, poet, origamist, musician...well, I practically drain my ideas into everything I do, but the point is it all comes back to me. I still have to daydream on my favorite games before falling asleep. I have to write while listening music. I still have to make an origami scene of my daydreams (I loved when I made the dragon chasing these little people!) and I still have to paint flowers and swirls with ink. But I love it.
Although I haven't been credited with creativity due to the fact I have to bottle it all up unless I want to disgrace myself forever, I am writing a short story I hope to publish and I hope to sell my paintings worldwide.
This excites me, I like this idea a lot!
I had a dream about us once. "Us", as in people who daydream. Someone kidnapped us all because they realized we all had this special ability, and they wanted to use it to their advantage. They took us to a place under the sea. I think it's a good beginning, don't you?
lol :) definitely going to try it.
I'm so glad to see so many creative minds join the group! I really hope this group can help me stay focused on my stories and help you stay focused on your art as well!
To be honest I haven't written in over a month or two. At the beginning of February I made a goal to write two thousand words a day, but it just didn't happen. I work all day, and I'm so tired at night. However, I do always seem to find the time to daydream and watch tv. :( That could be time used on writing, but I guess I haven't felt motivated. Maybe I'm just too exhausted at the end of the day to make the effort. Still I wish I wasted less time doing pointless stuff.
Anyway, thanks for the comments on my first ever discussion post, and please keep them coming! And feel free to create your own discussions! I'm really excited about this group.
Cordellia, I read your recent stories and loved them! That's very brave of you to post them by the way. As for your comment above, I'm a little embarrassed to post my own writing just yet, but I appreciate your interest. :) And your writing inspired me!
"I was afraid I could never finish anything, because as soon as I couldn't daydream about it anymore, I wasn't inspired to write it."
Steph, (I quoted you above), I feel the same way! It's a big problem for me.
Jackalope, thanks for the realistic view on things about competition being fierce in the writing world and that daydreaming is only a small part of the writing profession, etc. I understand. It's my dream to write, but if that doesn't materialize I guess I always have my current job... I don't like to think of writing as something intimidating though. It's too easy to intimidate yourself out of doing the things you want to do. That's why I'd like to keep this group as positive as possible. I like to think that anyone and everyone is capable of creating art. Everyone has their own unique perspective to share, and the world will miss out on that perspective unless it's expressed somehow.
Jones, I love that show Community! I didn't know that's how they came up with their ideas. That's very interesting. I do something similar with my own thoughts. Whenever I get a "burst of inspiration" I jot it down somewhere to use later. ( At least I hope to string them all together later...)
Creator, interesting story! It's a good idea. I often have what I call "big ideas" like that too, but then I get a little stuck when I actually have to write out the little details. (For instance, who kidnaps us? How can our ability be used to their advantage, etc.) I'd love to know how you go about writing the story, and maybe while you're doing it you could give me some tips on how to turn a big idea into a more detailed, functioning story. I could use the help!
I'm so glad to see so many creative minds join the group! I really hope this group can help me stay focused on my stories and help you stay focused on your art as well!
To be honest I haven't written in over a month or two. At the beginning of February I made a goal to write two thousand words a day, but it just didn't happen. I work all day, and I'm so tired at night. However, I do always seem to find the time to daydream and watch tv. :( That could be time used on writing, but I guess I haven't felt motivated. Maybe I'm just too exhausted at the end of the day to make the effort. Still I wish I wasted less time doing pointless stuff.
Anyway, thanks for the comments on my first ever discussion post, and please keep them coming! And feel free to create your own discussions! I'm really excited about this group.
Cordellia, I read your recent stories and loved them! That's very brave of you to post them by the way. As for your comment above, I'm a little embarrassed to post my own writing just yet, but I appreciate your interest. :) And your writing inspired me!
"I was afraid I could never finish anything, because as soon as I couldn't daydream about it anymore, I wasn't inspired to write it."
Steph, (I quoted you above), I feel the same way! It's a big problem for me.
Jackalope, thanks for the realistic view on things about competition being fierce in the writing world and that daydreaming is only a small part of the writing profession, etc. I understand. It's my dream to write, but if that doesn't materialize I guess I always have my current job... I don't like to think of writing as something intimidating though. It's too easy to intimidate yourself out of doing the things you want to do. That's why I'd like to keep this group as positive as possible. I like to think that anyone and everyone is capable of creating art. Everyone has their own unique perspective to share, and the world will miss out on that perspective unless it's expressed somehow.
Jones, I love that show Community! I didn't know that's how they came up with their ideas. That's very interesting. I do something similar with my own thoughts. Whenever I get a "burst of inspiration" I jot it down somewhere to use later. ( At least I hope to string them all together later...)
Creator, interesting story! It's a good idea. I often have what I call "big ideas" like that too, but then I get a little stuck when I actually have to write out the little details. (For instance, who kidnaps us? How can our ability be used to their advantage, etc.) I'd love to know how you go about writing the story, and maybe while you're doing it you could give me some tips on how to turn a big idea into a more detailed, functioning story. I could use the help!
I have written one novel, even got it copy righted. The hard part would be publishing. I want to e-publish but my big stumbling block is getting art work done for the cover. My finances are living from paycheck to paycheck with no savings so I do not have cash available and have not found an artist interested in helping out on any other basis. I can tell you how I wrote my book but one thing I have learned is that there are a variety of ways to go about writing a novel. My novel was not based on a day dream because those are way too personal and too close to home to share with the public. Rather it came as a spin off from a single scene plus inspiration and lots of work. I have easily another 20 + plus novels in my head that have some assoication with fantasies however the hard thing about turning those into a novel is not plot but the addition of numerous extras that it takes to build a believable universe that is not just built in your own head.
I have the same problem, though for me it's more that I think up a scene, usually somewhere around the middle of the story, and write that out quickly so I won't forget. And then I completely lose both interest and inspiration to continue. I've been trying really hard not to do it, but it's really hard. Any help to get?
I had this idea to just get a recorder or something, something you can always have with you and start talking into it whenever inspiration struck, but I haven't found any place that sells them.
One more problem I have is that I find it a bit hard to put it down in words, or recreate something that was really awesome. I hoped that this would help, and if any of you try it out before me, tell me if it works for you okay? And I'll do the same thing on my side. It should help smooth out any problems, don't you think? :)
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