Maladaptive Daydreaming: where wild minds come to rest
If you have half an idea/poem/haiku whatever go ahead and post it here. Maybe you'll get life affirmation!
I have some ideas which i want to develop into stories. I haven't written before and struggle to get beyond just ideas. I do not know how to proceed. Anyone has any suggestions.
I have some ideas which i want to develop into stories. I haven't written before and struggle to get beyond just ideas. I do not know how to proceed. Anyone has any suggestions.
When I get around to it I'm OK starting stories, it's just carrying on with them that's the problem! I swear the reason my computer is so slow is because of all the junk on it that could politely be called 'the first chapter or so of several different stories'.
Off topic: Oh yeah, funny story (that happened for real), Delorean Jones' post reminded me of it: When I was a little kid we had to write stories based on Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, and a girl in my class used Dragon to write her story, and she kept saying 'Mummy unicorn' but it kept typing 'money unicorn' instead! OK, it's not that funny but, let's look on the bright side: it's one story I finished!
I have the same problem, Truthful. I have at least 15 scrapped writing projects.
Here's one based closely on a daydream I had near the end of August.
I have the same problem, Truthful. I have at least 15 scrapped writing projects.
Here's one based closely on a daydream I had near the end of August.
On a fantasy note, what if you were transported or by accident become part of your daydream world? And how would you (or the character you created) deal with being in his/her own fantasy world? would it be like they imagined? or would something go wrong or they miss their real friends and family? Then maybe they were somehow able to pull themselves back out into the real world and realize that you miss this life even if its considered mundane. Just a thought, it suddenly came to me.
Dushyant said:
An idea for a story. A guy who is a maladaptive daydreamer. In his daydreams he is an ideal person. This is vague it means his self in real life minus all the problems. He has imagined a world with places and characters from real life. So everything is real,only people's reactions,conversations are imagined. He is in love with some real girl his daydream whom he has never spoken to. There are many other people too in his dreams who he has never really met. He tries to keep his dreams as real as possible. One day he meets with an accident and gets a head injury and forgets everything but somehow remembers his daydreams and now feels them to be real as if they really happened. What would happen after this?
Ah, nothing beats being a little kid and accomplishing something.
I do believe a lot of us are going toward a "step into the dream world" feel
My friend suggested the notion that real world problems show not only show up in the daydream, but they become much more epic to match you.
I think it's important we all really think about our prospective stories some more and come back with more data.
Elizabeth, do you write?
Truthful Alibi said:
When I get around to it I'm OK starting stories, it's just carrying on with them that's the problem! I swear the reason my computer is so slow is because of all the junk on it that could politely be called 'the first chapter or so of several different stories'.
Off topic: Oh yeah, funny story (that happened for real), Delorean Jones' post reminded me of it: When I was a little kid we had to write stories based on Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, and a girl in my class used Dragon to write her story, and she kept saying 'Mummy unicorn' but it kept typing 'money unicorn' instead! OK, it's not that funny but, let's look on the bright side: it's one story I finished!
I used to much more when I was little. I even came up with this whole story about an Indian girl named Sequoyah (I was told later that the name Sequoyah was usually guy names, but oh well I liked it for girl) and her daily adventures. I meant to enter it into one of those Reading Rainbow contests, but it went over the maximum word count :p. But now I've been thinking of trying to jot a few of my ideas down and do some short stories first and see where I end up. Its SO hard for me to focus, but I'd like to try. Do you write any yourself? Even brief snippets?
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