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A rambling, incoherent entry - just needed to get it off my chest

Posted on January 9, 2012 at 4:00am 3 Comments

I've always been told that mental health issues happen to other people, or don't exist.


I've been feeling like shit since Friday night. Had a stupid argument with my girlfriend which began with a small misunderstanding then spiralled out of control as I kept (wrongly) insisting I was right. There are two things I did wrong here, and you would think that by the age of 23, I would have learned to accept them by now:

- I have a bad short term memory…


I'm tired all the time because my brain makes too much noise. Why won't it shut up? Stop making me miserable you stupid grey organ. I'm in the happiest relationship I've ever had right now, I don't w…

Posted on December 25, 2011 at 11:49am 1 Comment

I'm tired all the time because my brain makes too much noise. Why won't it shut up? Stop making me miserable you stupid grey organ.

I'm in the happiest relationship I've ever had right now, I don't want it to be ruined by all this paranoia and instability.

Happy bloody christmas I suppose


Posted on August 9, 2011 at 6:20am 4 Comments

I can't promise this works for everyone, but I've found that I can manipulate my daydreams so they become boring or unpleasant. If you can make everything go wrong in your daydream world, the real one will seem more appealing.


I've spent the last few days imagining I'm right in the middle of the London riots, and it always pushes me back into reality, where I'm far away from London, safe and sound.


It doesn't always work of course. Sometimes you just end up…


I'm a basketcase?

Posted on August 8, 2011 at 6:16am 5 Comments

I realise this may offend people with serious mental problems but I love the term "basketcase". That's what I am, I'm a basketcase. Thinking this way helps me cope, puts a smile on my face. I'm happy and safe in the knowledge that by having all this chaos in my head, I am carrying on a fine tradition of British eccentrics. Everyone on this island is slightly odd in some way, I figured I'm no weirder than the other 60 million inhabitants. The stereotypes are true, we're all just Monty Python…


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At 8:27am on December 23, 2024, Callan Gershom said…

Good day,
I am Ronald Morris, I saw your profile and I decided to contact you immediately. Can you get back to me on my email ( for full details.

At 4:00pm on August 8, 2011, Cordellia Amethyste Rose said…
Crap. I HATE those. Thanks for letting me know. Usually I catch them pretty quickly, but I can't be here all the time, so thanks.  Sorry you had to deal with that.
At 4:58am on August 8, 2011, Cordellia Amethyste Rose said…
Welcome, Steve!  Thanks for joining!




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