• Marriage/relationship

    Hi everyone!I have a question for you guys in relationships and living with them - when you moved in together did you tell them about everything related to MDing? Or do you hide it from them, how does that work? Do you go to a quiet room and have daydreaming time?I'd love to get married one day but…

    By F J

  • Over and over. Again

    It’s been almost a half year since I wrote my first post. I guess, It’s time to write an update. In the previous post I said that I got into my dream university. Maybe I was delusional, but I thought that my life would change to the better instantly. That I’ll find my first love. But life is life,…

    By Lily of the valley

  • Ways to use MD creatively

    Hey!I'm not Kim... or more or less I'm her.Kim is my improved person. The main character in almost all of my scenarios.Ah, sorry for my English, I use a translator.Well, this is the first time I write here. I found the site a few weeks ago and was wondering if anyone had any way to deal with MD. I…

    By the Kim I created

  • Daydreamer Diary 28/3

    Yo, so. Here i am.I have to go back to trying stop MD, cause i know i have a problem, and in moments like the one i am - filled with school things - i darydream more than normal, even tho, i think is like a way my brain remembers me i have this addiction. School really helps me stop with the…

    By KillzF

  • Social interaction as a trigger

    I just had my longest streak of not doing it - 3 days! I've managed to not let my usual triggers get to me, by either avoiding them or by throwing myself into another thing altogether to distract me. The trigger I'm struggling with is socialising - hanging out with friends and talking seems to have…

    By Mils

  • Diary research study

    Daydreaming ResearchA diary study of excessive daydreaming• Do you daydream for long periods of time?• Does your daydreaming interfere with your daily life?• Are you aged between 18 to 45?• Do you have a good command of written and spoken English?A research team at the University of Hertfordshire…

    By Gemma Dix

  • Daydreamer Diary 3/4

    It's been a while. I tried to stop, but then the next week i felt even more wanting to do daydream. And i know pretty well this is a bad sign, but i decided to wait psicological help so i wont hurt myself doing so.I wanted to talk about Anne, one of my creations. She is like me, her body size and…

    By KillzF

  • Let's Revive the Chat, People!

    Hiya,My name is Rachel. I joined WMN in December 2012 when I was barely 14 years old. Now, I'm 25.This site may seem like a ghost town now, but this site was FULL OF LIFE between the years 2012 (and before) to 2018. The blog posts, the forums, and the chat were full of people eager to help and get…

    By Rachel

  • Biggest challenges quitting MD

    For some reason today the universe bestowed a very philosophical mood on me, so I obeyed and decided to finally write an unedited blog post about MD. Like, I didn't even try to think about the logical structure or else. Just got an urge to shoot something out there.Anyway, I divided the challenges…

    By Yukia

  • The desire to MD will never leave - but that's okay

    Hi, so lately I've been doing a lot of self-improvement and working on myself, and I realised that finally, I am happy with my life. I feel at ease, and I always thought that would stop my want to MD. It hasn't though. And when I did indulge, I realise that my daydreams wanted a different life than…

    By Mils
