I go through phases where I day dream negative things, sometimes i'll imagine myself getting attacked and raped, or involved in a natural disaster, or getting hit by a bus or something like that, but it's never my fault. It happens a lot when I watch programmes or films about certain things and i'll put myself in the place of the main character.
Eu estou tentando deixar esse vício mas quando eu ficava por longos períodos sonhando acordado as vezes eu me imaginava vítima de acidentes ou sofrendo de câncer. Eu sou uma pessoa tímida mas gosto de chamar atenção então eu conseguia chamar atenção nos meus sonhos, eu sempre estava chamando atenção. Sou do Brasil e cresci vendo meus pais beberem e brigaram na minha frente e também sofri muito bulling na minha infância. Só que não sei se isso foram os causadores dos meus devaneios.
I've also had negative direction daydreams. And it's usually right after something bad happens in real life. Example, when a girl I've had a one sided crush on had rejected me, it led to me DDing that I'm an incel unworthy of love and all that nasty stuff. So yeah, real life negative incidents can lead to your daydreams steering in the wrong direction.
I go through phases where I day dream negative things, sometimes i'll imagine myself getting attacked and raped, or involved in a natural disaster, or getting hit by a bus or something like that, but it's never my fault. It happens a lot when I watch programmes or films about certain things and i'll put myself in the place of the main character.
Jan 19, 2017
Jul 14, 2018
Kiruba Victor
I've also had negative direction daydreams. And it's usually right after something bad happens in real life. Example, when a girl I've had a one sided crush on had rejected me, it led to me DDing that I'm an incel unworthy of love and all that nasty stuff. So yeah, real life negative incidents can lead to your daydreams steering in the wrong direction.
May 15, 2021