Because "the Gays just have to be everywhere" and "birds of a feather flock together" -  feel free to discuss, complain, gossip, rant about whatever you want

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  • Jonathan Brown

    Read Vivid imagination for free on Inkitt.

    Sorry Guys here you go !
  • Sarah Araújo

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Sarah, I´m from Brazil so sorry about my english. It´s my first time talking here.....and it feels....strange. Until last year i had no idea that my dreams had a name. I´m 20 years and live with MDD since 5... i guess. I really don´t remember, i think i just have memories with the drems already here. Well, I just wanna say hello and i´m really happy to find all you and this site. :)

  • Liat

    Hi, My name is Liat. I am a 51 year old lesbian woman from Holland. I just joined. Wondering if there is still anyone active here since all the messages are from years ago. Please if anyone is still here, reach out! Love to hear!