Taylor's Blog – June 2013 Archive (2)

Daydreaming, living, and "happiness?"

Now, as a result of daydreaming actual people, or perhaps just from looking out at the "real world" once in a while, I feel as if I miss or am missing out on parts of life. I've kept myself in a box (which contains myself, my computer, and my DDs) and whenever I look out of it, I realize that things happen around me. I'm not sure if I can handle change, or that I have had daydreams so consistent that I dislike real change, or that I dislike real progression of time. I see other people and…


Added by Taylor on June 28, 2013 at 4:09pm — 2 Comments

Introduction //

Hello, my name is Taylor. I'm going to apologize in advance that this may be a long introduction and that it may jump around to different things quickly.

I have probably been daydreaming for most of my life. When I was a kid, it was simple games of "pretend" that I would play by myself quietly, etc. It was usually just characters I made up in their own little worlds. 

My daydreams started becoming about myself when I was about 11 or so. I had a crush on someone in my class (I…


Added by Taylor on June 27, 2013 at 3:27pm — 7 Comments

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