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  • Queen Dopamine

    PS the drawings you have on your page here are REALLY DANG GOOD OH MY GOSH.

  • Queen Dopamine

    You are "old"? You seem so youthful. When I came to your page, I was looking for your age somewhere. I thought you were maybe 15 or 16, haha. Have you tried to draw recently or do any artwork? 

  • Queen Dopamine

    Hey! I guess you and I just "act younger" on this site, or something, haha. There are a lot of teenagers, so I do often find myself maybe writing differently than I normally do. But yes, I tend to feel so "old" compared to most of my friends here. :) It's nice to meet someone my age though that I can relate to! 

    I am writing my daydreams into a full-length short story, possibly a novel. It's a lot of fun! I've changed it a lot from what I've put into the group, but that's part of the fun. I can re-write and change it, just as  I do when I daydream! Hope you're doing well. I forgot what else you said in your comment. But I notice your profile has the name Sophia Black in the URL is that a character name? One of my character's names is Sophia. :D