Hey, just wanted to reply back to you personally in regards to the comment you left on my blog. I'm so sorry your mom is like that!! I can definitely relate. When I was a teenager, I felt really invalidated by my parents. And what's worse is that anytime you try to bring up legitimate concerns about your emotional or mental health, they will brush you off or try to ignore it. The way your mom diagnosed you as NOT having anxiety is ridiculous, and the way she doesn't accommodate your style of clothing or have a proper response to physical things, like a mustache--that's all fucked up. And then she makes it all about herself. She has that in common with my mom. My mom seemed to never really get when things were her fault or what exactly she said or did. My dad is the same way. He's like, "oh, I never said that. When did I say that??" He's such a douchebag sometimes. Mom plays the victim, when she's not making undercutting remarks that is. She tried to dress me a certain way too back in the day. I'm glad she lives far away now. :) I live close to my dad, but thankfully, I don't deal with his shit too often. It's so frustrating.
Nov 1, 2012
debbie downer
hi!!!! ((:
Sep 10, 2013
Queen Dopamine
Hey, just wanted to reply back to you personally in regards to the comment you left on my blog. I'm so sorry your mom is like that!! I can definitely relate. When I was a teenager, I felt really invalidated by my parents. And what's worse is that anytime you try to bring up legitimate concerns about your emotional or mental health, they will brush you off or try to ignore it. The way your mom diagnosed you as NOT having anxiety is ridiculous, and the way she doesn't accommodate your style of clothing or have a proper response to physical things, like a mustache--that's all fucked up. And then she makes it all about herself. She has that in common with my mom. My mom seemed to never really get when things were her fault or what exactly she said or did. My dad is the same way. He's like, "oh, I never said that. When did I say that??" He's such a douchebag sometimes. Mom plays the victim, when she's not making undercutting remarks that is. She tried to dress me a certain way too back in the day. I'm glad she lives far away now. :) I live close to my dad, but thankfully, I don't deal with his shit too often. It's so frustrating.
May 1, 2014