Cordellia Amethyste Rose

44, Female

Portland, OR

United States

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  • Ed Santoscoy

    no, thank you.

    i was wondering, is this dangerous in any way?

    i mean i like it more when i'm over there.

    it's not like i need help or anything, i just want to know if it might affect me somehow


  • Ed Santoscoy

    Haha alright, i'll try not to get stuck too often for too long.

    Still i'm the same on both places, it's more about the people.

    I live in Mexico and nearly everyone here is a douchebag, that's why i created this other place, i can give everyone a perfect and authentic personality, and that's why i like it more over there.

    i do have friends but they're not available all the time, and i feel like i need to do something so... i daydream a lot, pretty much like inception only that when i'm there i am in control of everything all the time.

    just a bit of background i need to share for some reason

    and, well that's about it

    thank you and good night.

  • Dion

    Thanks for the welcome, Cordelia, it's nice to be here and I'll start posting plenty when I have some time soon. I read about the Wild Minds group within a piece in Scientific American Mind magazine and was rather stunned about the condition it detailed! It was completely akin to my own reality and I had to explore it further. Voila...
  • Jessica

    Thank you for the welcome! I am glad to be here.
  • varghese e david

    hi,i hope all you are fine and i'm too.i'm an artist and a little away from my friends and family now with a lot of creative impulse that doesnt leave me doesn't stop .a wonderfull daydreamer also.thanks for are my friends!!!! i'm glad to

     be here!


  • Marneesha

    Hi, Thanks for creating this profile. It's funny because i thought i was the only person going through this, i didn't know what was going on. i recognize you from some of your videos on YouTube and you helped me understand it a bit. What i go through is kind of embarrassing for me, so i haven't told anyone fearing that they won't understand. So im glad i found a place to vent.
  • deathisyourgift2001

    Hi, just found out about this today.  I am so happy to find out that it's not just me who does this.  I thought I was totally weird, but I'm not alone.


  • Ivy

    Hi & Thanks for the welcome!


    I read about this site in Scientific American Mind and I thought...Really?  Other people spend hours daydreaming too???  Thanks for creating a space for folks to talk about this!


  • John Klauder

    Hi Cordelolia,


    Thanks for the welcome and creating this site.  You have done a very good job.  I found out about your site through reading an article in Scientific American Mind and am looking forward to participating.  Maladaptive Daydreaming has been my biggest lifetime complaint about myself.  It is reassuring to know I am not alone and now there is a way to find others with MD and to share. Thanks again very much.  John Klauder

  • Christina Vasileiou

    Thank you for the welcome ***

    but I feel kind of puzzled as I never thought of my daydreaming as maladaptive- just another layer to reality, adding to reality.

    Do you think daydreaming is an obstacle, a problem?


  • Christina Vasileiou

    true- staying alive is not about daydreaming only. it is kind of cycle for me- I go out in the world, loose myself in it and then retreat. a cycle ongoing for long- perhaps I could change that to see what comes out!

    I am a dancer and a choreographer and all my work is about dreams and daydreaming***

  • shaktiman

    pleasure to be part of this network.thank u
  • Robert Swereda

    thanks for the welcome.


    found this site in Sci Am Mind.


    been wanting a place like this for a long time, thanks for creating it.

  • varghese e david

    dear, a little late as i always,i' thanking you that you made an opportunity to discuss our problems.i really like to be here.last few years what i'm facing is even though i have creative impulse to do new works i couldn't .friends in this field always advise me to do a series,but it will not happen as my mind take me to other image and it pile upon and onwith other images... and it will not stop.some times a doodle (a word,a sound)takes me away to somewhere out of my flow.this is mostly happens in my life and struggling to find a solution to execute these works......i dont know even now this is with MD or.......
  • roxanne

    thanks, Cordelia, for creating this awesome site.  I'm finding everyone on here bright & compassionate, and I don't think you can get better than that.
  • Deer23

    Thank u 
  • varghese e david

    dreams in the nights(since childhood it is happening abunduntly) drag me into day dreams.some times very exteame and strange and think of that is why these much dreams.i had consulted with a psychiatrist and and he hasn't any answer for that.recently i had seen an accident of my kid in the dream that made me fully upset for two days.i used to my creative thought to away from anxieties,but the amount of image is now mingled up and made in confusion.i have to excecute all these one by one and will feel relaxed and well i can go for good sleep also.thanks for my wife.and great support from you and my other friends!!!soon you can see some of my works
  • i_warrior

  • Erin uk


    Hi Cordellia, thanks for the welcome :)

    and thank you for your courage in setting up this site.  I have a blog but keep it all hidden and anonymous, afraid that I'd be seen as insane.  It must be a great relief and affirmation to find so many people that share MD.

    I read the recent article in the Scientific American Mind.  I thought it strange to see daydreaming being discussed.  I'd felt it was a guilty pleasure, not realising it affected other people, enough too that there was a study going on.  I know my life is affected by it, and am comforted to discover it is being researched. and not in a derogatory way.  A warming line in the article is that this could be looked at as a talent, not a disability :)

    anyway, enough of my ramblings.  I'll take a look around and get my bearings before posting.  Thanks again for the welcome :)

  • Creator

    Hey Cordellia. I just wanted to apologize for the interview; I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that I may have made you feel victimized. It truly wasn't my intention, I'm sorry if that was the case :(
  • Shona MacDonald

    Thank you! I'm just so happy to have finally found somewhere with people who can understand.
  • Joy Richardson

    Hi Cordellia, Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm not sure this site is for me though. I don't have a problem with day dreaming, to me it's a normal healthy function of every intelligent human being. It helps with problem solving, ensures that you never feel lonely and adds highlights to what otherwise may be a dull day. I've read quite a few negative comments and feelings on this site but few positive ones, maybe I'm not Maladaptive! But keep up the good work, it's a fascinating site and it shows that day dreaming is common and normal, regardless of how many hours it involves in the day.
  • Sparrow

    Thank you! From what I understand you are the mastermind behind this site? I have suffered from MD my whole life and its getting worse. I thought I was the only person and that something is very wrong with me. I have always been to ashamed to even address the issue but I searched my symptoms finally out of desperation a few days ago. I can't believe this exists. I feel a bit better now. I love daydreaming I just NEED to figure out how to control it, I want to achieve things in real life but I can only make things happen inside my head.
  • balance myself

    Thanks for the warm welcome. 

    You have done a great job creating this site. Keep doing the good work.

  • margo mitchell

    hello Cordelia---my name is Margo,I am 64,pensioner,dont own a computer,a web-virgin (how do I send/what is a 'gift" ?)

                   I am an Aussie and a life-long F.P.P. Fantasy-Prone Personality--fantasy and reality are completely separate,I am in control of the F.P.P. and I consciously decide when/where to do it.I dont like the term Maladaptive whatever,it implies that there is something wrong with us-there is NOTHING wrong with us,we are the lucky ones.

                   I've felt a need lately to 'speak' with fellow fpp's,I have questions that only another fpp will understand.

                      I might be of help if anyone has questions---fpp is just another ability of the brain and like any ability takes patience,persistence and self-discipline to master--meditation is a good first step,you will learn how to master your thoughts----dont be afraid of your mind,its the best friend you will ever have,but at times it behaves like a spoilt,screaming brat-at these times,you have to be a loving,patient parent to it,loving but firm-you have to let your mind know who is in charge.With runaway thoughts,practise DISTRACTION---as soon as you realise that your thoughts are out of control,look at something,perform an action,anything that will stop the thought before it builds up to its full strength.You may have to do this 100 times,even more,but with time,perseverance,patience,you will begin to feel that YOU are in control.Dont be afraid of fpp--for me,the world behind the eyes is heaven-on-earth,the-garden-of-paradise,a magic lamp that will give you anything you want.

  • SleepyJeanne

    Hi Cordellia!  Thank you!
  • Angel

    Thanks for having me!  I changed my profile to my real first name instead of my gaming forum name "Phaedra", though I will answer to both.  I've been Phaedra online for so long its just another name for me.  I'm glad I found your website!
  • scooby

    Thanks for being her! So pleased there are some out there with the same problems and a place to talk :)
  • LostSoul777

    Hi.  I have suffered with excessive DD all my life as far as I can remember.  I space out all the time.  I DD about everyone and everything imaginable. 


    I see that some of you say that they use this tool as an escape and become addicted to it.  I personally have little to no control over it    Sometimes I do conciously choose to indulge, but a vast majority it happens without thinking at any given time. Its like a tv in my head that just keeps flicking on by itself and I have to keep turning off.  Growing up I did do alot of the pacing, etc  and nowadays I sitll do have some slight kinetics along with my dding.   My teachers used to complain in my early years how I would space out and freinds and fam would often tap me awake whne they notice I zone out, but not much was ever made of it and I wasnt going to elaborate on  how uncontrollable this all was and still is.  I used to sit at the dinner table and stare into my fork and be lost, it used to piss my father off so much!  I should add that I did suffer abuse and was also born legally blind and as a twin to a brother who seems perfectly normal, which of course created alot of stress for me.   I do see how this may not be related to trauma  but in may very well be for people like me who cant at all control it, thats just my opinion of course. 


    Anyway, for the most part it sucks!  I takes me longer than most to do tasks cuz of my vision, and this DD just makes it worse as I constantly wander away all the time.  Very frustrating. 


    Its nice to see that this isnt so taboo  and that others out there have similar issues.  Thanks to all of you for sharing stories and knowledge about this subject.  Its so nice to see Im not alone in all this!



  • LostSoul777

    I guess I should include that I do and always did have anxiety around people and socialising always makes me feel nervous and stressed, thats embarassing to admit but  it may be relevant as I see others have mentioned this also..



  • LostSoul777

    Hey , I just spent some time looking at ur videos, and just wanted to give u props for being courageous enough to speak about yourself and your situatuion publicly in order to bring this thing to light and help others who have suffered in the same way.  Thanks for doing that, I feel like I just saw a light at the end of the tunnel finally, so to speak. I can really relate to the DDing and the anxieties, etc.

     I hope that the overall response and awareness you have brought to this subject has given u some comfort, because its so nice to know we are not alone or crazy.  Thanks again.....Great job much respect to you!

  • Bibby

    Thank you for welcoming me.
  • redhorse

    Thanks for the welcome. Its weird reading about yourself in print. Still trying to work it all out. Thanks for starting this. It is so badly needed.
  • Kristen B. Scherzinger

    your welcome!!....... i hope i can learn here!
  • khaughey66

    Hi, thanks for the welcome.  I can't tell you what a relief it is for me to be able to put a label on what really goes on in my head lol.  I've gotten a lot out of your videos. Thanks for putting yourself out there for us.  I have the feeling posting your videos probably wasn't an easy thing for you to do, so I just wanted you to know that it's helped me, and I'm sure others, quite a bit.
  • pinkgal24

    Thanks, i love this site x
  • Laila

    Thank you so much!! *huggles* I hope you check out my photos!
  • Ms.Coquette

    It's so brave of you to create this group. Thank you for having me.
  • Anonymous

    Thank you. BTW. I would like to know if you have anyone else over 50 on here
  • Julie

    I also wanted to thank for this site. It's really amazing to discover more people thinking similarly to you and it's really amazing to look at yourself from different perspective. Thanks again.
  • niexiezt

    thank you. I'm glad I'm not alone :)
  • Ellen

    Thank you for your welcome and for this site! it's so great to see that I'm not alone. looking forward to exploring more of this site!
  • laurellestarz

    I'm sure you say that to all the dreamers, but thank you! ^_^
  • Katie McDonald

    Thank you for your welcome, really glad I found this site:)
  • Creator

    I had a quick question, just curious...

    I think most of us found out about MD through this site, but this site wasn't your way of finding out obviously lol. So how did you find out what MD was, and that other people also had it?

  • Soundz

    Thank you for the welcoming Cordellia. Glad to meet you!
  • Harry

    Thank You. Very happy to find such a website and so many daydreamers at one place. Thanks for creating this group.
  • dangous mind

    Thank you, I'm glad I don't have the only one with this problem.
  • dangous mind

    Do you mind reading my blog and let me know what you think. I'm very tired of having this problem. And nobody truly understands me! I sent you a friend request not sure if you got it or how that works, and how do I know if someone wants to add me will the site let me know or what?
  • dangous mind

    Thanks, and yes I did see you on my profile as a friend now. It seems like when I am daydreaming they are so fun to me when I'm doing them. It's like when I listen to music that's when I do it the most. I know it's some due to my past, and still dealing with it, I'm trying to stop daydreaming but like last night I got upset and ending up crying because something that was said in church. I barly listened to music yesterday so don't know if I didn't have enough time in to listen and space out or what.