Turning MD into ART

We're all creative but wasteful with our creativity.  Why not turn our daydreams into novels and other creative endeavors?

Join in!  We can all encourage each other!  We can turn our daydreaming into something "adaptive" for a change.

  • Tani

    This writing forum needs members!


  • sky high

    well it is a productive way of using MD i would lik to use it ,,,,,and start writing

    good stories hopefully it works well and not make me more pron to MD   

  • Anne Rose Estime

    everyday I come up with ideas that I have no idea or strength to make into actions, sometime it's nerve wrecking because I care about whatever idea I come up with, but as a dreamer you don't find people who agree with you as much as you imagined it in your mind.

  • Nancy Johnson

    I would like to learn to piece together all my different scenes or write a completed novel. I tried to write a novel before. It did help the mdd. I stayed concentrated on one story. But, I had to write all my free floating ideas down first before I started on the novel. 

    I'm going to start again. 

  • Happy

    Writing daydreams out can be a God sent tallent