All my life I have found school particularly challenging, just because it's so difficult to focus, and after a while I just kept getting discouraged. However I'm still to pursuing my education.
I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Kayla Corcoran
I have always had difficulty in school. I was a night owl, since I can remember. It was so hard to wake up in the mourning. I also had undiagnosed Irlen Syndrome(a light sensitivity) which effected, my perception, reading, and spacial abilities. I'm also hopeless with details, or numbers. I mostly feel like a failure as far as academics are concerned. I spent a lot of time in elementary, in my own head, thinking about religion. I would also daydream my ideal school. When I got older I mainly daydreamed I was somewhere else. I still thought of religion. I also would daydream of my ideal job, where I would not be bored, and feel like a failure.
Jul 17, 2014
I always struggled in school due to my daydreaming and my OCD. In fourth grade I was diagnosed with ADD and given medication. The medication made me worse. I would stare uncontrollably and had no ability to focus on anything. I became a complete zombie. They tried several different drugs and they all did the same. I was a skinny girl and I lost so much wait my mom quit the whole process and I went off the meds. I became happy and energetic again but I still struggled with paying attention in class. I always felt I was worse than the kids who talked during class and got in trouble. I was praised for being quiet but really I was just as guilty as the others, talking to my imaginary friends in my head. In college I would try as hard as I could to pay attention to lectures but it was near impossible. I hated asking for accommodations in school, because I wanted so much to be treated like everyone else. But the problem is I was working so much harder than others were. I would accept bad grades and scolding from teachers and tried to convince myself it was my fault. Now I hope MD can be recognized by teachers. It's not always someone's fault that they aren't paying attention in class. Maybe it's just extremely difficult and painful to do so.
Sep 15, 2014
I managed to control my DDs for a while,I aced all my subjects in the past year.I started this year intending to top the class as I used to be.My plans were going well for while but then,one thing after another happened and I ended up depressed,I can't study nor carry out my home works,add to that my approaching exams,so things are just getting worse.
Dec 27, 2014