Music In DDing

For those of us who listen to music while they DD. Share what music you're into now, which songs you find particularly stimulating,what music helps you dream the most... Find new music if you need some new inspiration. 

Music and Day dreaming

I was wondering if some of you guys can share some of your personal daydreams; the ones you feel comfortable sharing and songs that trigger those day dreams.

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    Sierra Paris

    The only one I can give a specific linked memory to is Say It Ain't So by Weezer and this was so long ago but the song was playing in my playlist when a character got shot a looong time ago. It's strange because even though it's a "daydream", when I hear that song, I get emotional! Most songs though help contribute to the tone of the daydream though, which is an ongoing storyline for me. As in, what happened yesterday in it happened yesterday, and if I go back in today, it will carry on from what happened last. Not down to the tea, but for example say everyone found out this dude in the house cheating on his girlfriend yesterday, if I go back in today, then the house will be awkward and weird because we just learned this dude was cheating on his gf and we don't like him right now.

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      Piper B

      I listen to Sleeping at Last or Grace Vanderwaal a lot when I daydream, and because the songs are so different the dreams I have tend to vary, sometimes I’m at a funeral for my best friend or I’m singing for people and the guy I like is falling for me.
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        Kiruba Victor

        Romantic songs will trigger daydreams of me having a lover in my life, when in reality, I've had zero relationships. Also tough songs like rap or rock will make me feel like the tough guy I'm not, and the daydreams will follow that emotion of toughness, like me fighting back bullies etc. Right now, a very particular example would be, for me, this song called M.O.B by Pakistani singer Imran Khan, very drill and tough flex type song, triggers a particular daydream where I drive a Kia Stinger GT and my friend is taking this video of me driving on my way to college and this song plays in the speaker and it makes me feel cool.