Ruminate less

I started this group for those of us who constantly replay events in our mind.

Playing The Same Song Over And Over

I will often play the same song over and over for the same daydream until I get it just right. Do any others here do this? I know it seems a little OCD, but it's usually only with songsĀ  really like and I won't do it so much with songs I can't 'get in to'.

Any music-repeat fanatics out thar?

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    I do exactly the same thing!
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      I will listen to the same song on repeat hundreds of times. The only way to get it out of my head is to replace it with another song.

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        Yes I will constantly listen to the same song over and over if it is particularly fantasy inducing until I am sick of it. The beat or tempo of the music will determine the nature of the fantasy to a large extent.