Turning MD into ART

We're all creative but wasteful with our creativity.  Why not turn our daydreams into novels and other creative endeavors?

Join in!  We can all encourage each other!  We can turn our daydreaming into something "adaptive" for a change.

I need to talk

Hi can anyone write me I just know about my MD
  • up

    Jenn Taylor

    Is MD Manic Depressive, Bi-Polar? If so, I can relate. I'm 66, worked as an underappreciated/underpaid IT geek until age 50. Then I crashed, my brain stopped. I was diagnosed Bi-Polar & prescribed meds, I slept 20-24 hrs a day. Before meds I was so creative, a paid costumed performance artist on weekends. I'd work my straight job Mon-Fri where they praised me 4 my super fast performance, then play on weekends. I created some amazing art-pics, jewelry, boots.  The bi-polar meds shut me down. in order 2 create I would have 2 go off my meds 4 days. 15 years later I've been re-diagnosed PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, this med is working. I'm creative but it's not the same. I doubt I'll ever b able 2 create what I did 40 years ago. I DO miss the creation, but I cherish the ability 2 live on my own without a caretaker.