Without Friends

It seems that have difficulties to make friends and the difficulty to connect with other persons is a common denominator between Maladaptive Daydreamers.

Nevermind is it is due to social inability, a side effect of daydreaming or that we are too much time away of “this world”, and that when “we come back to earth” we don´t have enough experience.

Now we have a forum, a Meeting point, a place with people like us. Daydreamers without friends. Perhaps this group is not a  good place to make friends. Provably. But who knows?


I am confused about what to do in life. I can't get concentration to read or do a work properly  My college life is almost over. I don't have friends and  the worst   part is that everyone  makes fun of me. Thinking about my future makes me feel sad.

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    Take baby steps. I find that forcing yourself to focus on one thing helps. Such as reading for example or meditation. I know right now it may feel hard but ignore those who make fun of you. You don't need people like that on your life.