Turning MD into ART

We're all creative but wasteful with our creativity.  Why not turn our daydreams into novels and other creative endeavors?

Join in!  We can all encourage each other!  We can turn our daydreaming into something "adaptive" for a change.

MD into Drawings and Paintings

Ever since I've started daydreaming, I've recorded it in my drawings and paintings--literally every piece of artwork that I've done sprouted from my MD. I have at least ten full sketchbooks and a wall full of hanging pictures, but I never tell people the story behind them. To them it's all confusing, but for me it connects all of my daydreams together. I'm not that good of an artist, but I want to share some work that I have done. You guys can show yours too.

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    I'm writing a novel based on my MD storyline, and I'm thinking about doing my own illustrations for it.
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      Richard Quest

      Can you post some of your drawings on here? I would love to see them! Most of the time I do it as a reference to help me put myself in my dream faster and more vividly. Most of my art for class has at least something to do with my MD, if it doesn't I give it away. 

      I've always tried to write a novel for my MD storyline, but I have three or four unfinished works because I got lazy, the farthest I got was 40 pages. I did all my illustrations first, to hep me write clearer etc.. what's your storyline on?

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        Richard Quest

        @Fitri Kamelia, 

        I'm sorry about the parent thing, mine usually never step into my room, and if they do, it's usually when I'm not there. Your drawings are amazing! Are they on the computer? I've never been able to master that stuff so I stick to pen and paper. xD

        If you want to see more of my drawings, I put them in the photo section! xD

        That's a cool story, where did you come up with it?