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I started this group for those of us who constantly replay events in our mind.

What are the most common themes/subjects of your recent daydreams?

I've noticed that I used to focus very strongly on the romantic relationship that developed between my main character, Alex, and another character, Carly. I loved replaying their flirtations, suggestive behavior, and the events that led up to them finally being together. The plot also involved Carly being married to Alex's brother, Jordan, at one point, a marriage that disintegrated and had Carly running to Alex for emotional (and eventually physical) support. This plot focused on their relationship and the feelings that were wrapped in with it--not being able to be together at first, the tension between them as they both felt something they couldn't act on, the emotional struggle when they engaged in their affair finally, and the aftermath that followed.

However, over the past several months, I've noticed that I've shifted to focusing on how Alex's actions affect his family, when he leaves for Italy for a few years, basically cutting everyone out. There's the conflict surrounding the pain he caused his own brother and best friend; the emotional drama that comes when Alex reveals that he couldn't bear returning to the same life he had before, because Jordan was no longer in it; and finally, the drama when he reveals that he was actually in love with Carly.

So how about you? Recent themes, subjects, or plots that may or may not be different from past ones?

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    I seldom daydream. When I do it's mostly about constructions; houses, systems and beauty in manmade shapes. I do however analyze just about everything involuntarily which is another story. I think I would be excellent at the mind palace techniques and hmmm... I believe that many of us on here have a fascinating way of storing information. 

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      Queen Dopamine

      I've heard of the mind palace technique and attempt it, in quite an amateur fashion, when I want to remember something simple like the name of a song I liked on the radio. It's interesting that you don't daydream often, but it seems you spend a lot of time thinking about shapes and constructions/architecture. 

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        I never had , nor have I tried to control my daydreams. I'm either sharply focused, or off in a day dream. There is no rhyme or reason as to which of the many thoughts that go through my head , I wind up daydreaming about.  They are random. I can have a daydream when someone is having a conversation with me, and not hear a word they are saying. I guess I've been this way since grade school.