Turning MD into ART

We're all creative but wasteful with our creativity.  Why not turn our daydreams into novels and other creative endeavors?

Join in!  We can all encourage each other!  We can turn our daydreaming into something "adaptive" for a change.

Crafting- Kniting, Crocheting, Painting, Sewing

This is what I have started to do and to be honest I DD while doing but I still feel so much better just because I don't feel like I wasted hours. I improved on a skill. anybody else craft?

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    I also started crocheting and sewing as a teraphy but as you said I still daydream while I do it but I found a way to control it. I try to put more effort in perfection and doing it faster so it helps me to focus on the outside world. 

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      Anne Rose Estime

      I crochet; bags, hats, skirts, and kids stuff. the problem with me is starting it I will go shopping and buy the yarn or a needle or an accessory for a bag or something else that I have yet to start.

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        Nancy Johnson

        I started to learn to knit. I created a scarf. I plan to knit a bag.I still DD during the knitting. But, like you, I feel good finishing something.