Without Friends

It seems that have difficulties to make friends and the difficulty to connect with other persons is a common denominator between Maladaptive Daydreamers.

Nevermind is it is due to social inability, a side effect of daydreaming or that we are too much time away of “this world”, and that when “we come back to earth” we don´t have enough experience.

Now we have a forum, a Meeting point, a place with people like us. Daydreamers without friends. Perhaps this group is not a  good place to make friends. Provably. But who knows?

Are You Socially Awkward?

I don't have any friends.  I proberly have one but we proberly talk once every year or so.  I have tried time and time again to interact with other people but I have found that there is something off about me.  I always say the wrong things, or am too shy to speak up in discussions.  Online it's fine, I can say what I feel and express myself clearly and confidently.  The rejection I get from people just makes me withdraw into myself more and MD like crazy but I know that's not really healthy but I just feel so much happier in my head.


I know for many people their situation is different.  Are you socailly awkward?

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    lisa wright

    To Tinkerbell

    Then you will be in this position for as long as it takes. Take a look at this article  http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Suffer-From-Maladaptive-Da...

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      Thank you so much for commenting Matthew.  Since writing this I have got better at interacting with other people at work but am still quite shy. It has allowed me to become less socially active, forcing myself to interact with others. It is quite painful in the beginning and embarrassing but after a while, i found myself doing quite well.  How have you been in this department?

      MatthewR said:

      I completely sympathize with you. All my friends now are online friends. I haven't talked to anyone face-to-face in a very long time--at least, nothing beyond casual or everyday conversation. I just keep to myself. I live in a somewhat geographically isolated area as well, so the culture is very different than what I'm used to. I don't particularly feel comfortable here. Like you, I tend to come off very awkward. I am not articulate, and I am terribly shy when it comes to voicing my opinions (my voice does not project very far, either, so that doesn't help). Because I am so anxious, I find that my daydreams give me a certain amount of release. If I haven't DD'ed in a while, I get agitated and restless.

      So,  yes, totally awkward... 

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        Professional Daydreamer

        Yepp i get you so well I'm soo socially awkward....even though i have friends i always loose them because i end up pushing them away and the wondering why i'm such a lonely person..and i would rather daydream than hang out with friends and i would always end up loosing them all...and i could never make new friends cause i never speak up or i would never walk up to them if they don't  come up to me i would never start a convo...cause i would think i'm saying the wrong thing or i would mess up they would hate me or that i'm bothering them and so on....and it sucks cause deep down i don't wanna be the girl who ends up with 60 cats and spends her whole life alone cause she was just too damn scared to take a risk and cause she didn't wanna leave the world she created in her head...