Imaginary Boyfriend

Has anyone ever had or is currently having an imaginary boyfriend/girlfriend? If so, do you ever catch yourself acting or talking out loud?

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    I have never really incorporated the "me" in reality into my daydreams, so no. I have given the "me" in my head a boyfriend in the past, when I was around 10 ( I realize now that relationships really aren't my thing ). When I was 7, my world was about Harry Potter, and I remember I was acting everything out on our playscape in the backyard, alone. I think that is the only time I have really acted it out, but I do find myself making the facial expressions of my characters or saying one of their lines occassionally.

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      Oh my gosh. That's hilariously genius!!!

      I talk to myself a lot when I'm by myself, so that would definitely lessen the awkwardness when I get walked in on.

      Teagan Heart said:

      Yeah, sometimes I think that I should get a blue tooth and wear it on my ear to act like I'm talking to someone.
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        Well, my daydreams are usually pretty close to reality but with a few things altered. If I am attracted to someone, I wouldn't go as far as to imagine that they are my boyfriend.

        Maybe, I would imagine a conversation that was flirtier in nature than usual or imagine getting stuck in a small space with them (like an elevator or broom closet) where we would have a good chance of having an intimate conversation together.

        But I never make up completely fictitious people. The people I imagine always have a face in reality. But they're just as fictitious as a made up person because the version of them that's in my head is still imaginary.