Daydreamer Diary 28/3

Yo, so. Here i am.

I have to go back to trying stop MD, cause i know i have a problem, and in moments like the one i am - filled with school things - i darydream more than normal, even tho, i think is like a way my brain remembers me i have this addiction. School really helps me stop with the daydreaming, is almost impossible for me to daydream when i am studing, talking to people. 

These days i was like, 2 in the morning, daydreaming, then i just got like: "Bro i am such a weirdo..." 

Why do i talk alone, think out loud? This is just... weird.

If you can, how do you stop/stopped or prevents to MD? Cause for me, its really hard. 

Thanks for reading <3 

  • Yukia

    It’s the constant change of the environment for me. Like you pointed out the school being an obstruction to MD, the same works with other public spaces. I believe people with MD should prioritize getting out more, perhaps even try swapping doing homework/work tasks in a coffee shop instead of at home. It’s not a perfect solution since once you’re back to the room where you had conditioned yourself to MD, it will kick in. But if you need to start somewhere, it’s definitely getting out more.