The desire to MD will never leave - but that's okay

Hi, so lately I've been doing a lot of self-improvement and working on myself, and I realised that finally, I am happy with my life. I feel at ease, and I always thought that would stop my want to MD. It hasn't though. And when I did indulge, I realise that my daydreams wanted a different life than the one normal-me wanted. A life filled with adventure and danger, but I don't want that, not right now and not as I spend the rest of my life. 

I still want to MD now, but I do it much less frequently. Instead I focus on other things, replacing it with exercising to work towards my goals, or going out for a walk to get some fresh air. Even calling a friend will help. Just reminding myself what I want in my life (through mood boards, scrolling through my camera roll, etc), it helps remind me why I don't want to have MD apart of it. 

Just some motivation, at least for me. And I wanted to share it, since I'm rarely posting on here anymore. I'd love to hear what you guys think! Have a great day :)

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  • Sakshee Dhumal

    @SA it's fine to have those kind of repressed emotions. 

    Some people have a habit of pondering on their daily experiences. Like, they'll sit and think about what all happened in the day. 

    While others keep all the negative incidents bottled up. They just distract themselves. 

    Now that you've taken off the distraction, it's normal for all those emotions and incidents to resurface. 

    You can deal with it one incident at a time. Take it slow.

    And from now on, try to deal with new emotions as they come. So there's not much pending stuff to do in future. 


    If you are smart, you'll stop regretting, learn the lesson, and move on. 

  • Jessica Ballantyne

    My real life will never look like my MD. I gradually stopped the fantasies. I think it started, because I was frustrated and really confused, and lonely. I could've dreamed until the cows came home and found myself in the same circumstances. I just don't meld well with people, and I was destined to be on my own. MD was a coping mechanism for what I lacked in life.

  • SA

    @Sakshee Dhumal I have a query for you. The repressed emotions that seem to hit me the most hard are about the times when I was disrespected by others. It was either by people talking over me, yelling at me or not letting me put forth my opinions and I kept mum. Now obviously, such events can't be changed but they do carry a huge message. The message is to become more assertive in life. I want to ask you that is it even possible for me to develop the courage to speak up in such scenarios if they occur in the future or am I, for life, confined to facing these repressed emotions and acting out my fantasies but never developing that trait in real life? 
    A response would be much appreciated!!!