sorry i'm spamming with posts, but for those of you who use other people's appearances for their characters in their daydreams, doesn't it just feel really satisfying when you get the appearance just right? or is that just me haha! i've been changing my character's appearance a lot because i can't seem to get him to look how i want. i couldn't find any pictures of people who looked how i wanted him to be, so i took to trying to draw him (photoshop probably would've been easier) and it still wouldn't look right. then a few days ago i found, i hope, the perfect appearance for him. i feel guilty about using other people's appearances though, imagine if they somehow found out... although, they're all pretty famous so i guess they've experienced weirder things, lol. 

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Comment by lulu on April 5, 2012 at 6:04pm

My characters are real people, famous or not so it's easy. Me in Wonderland is not that much thinner then I am, she's kind build like Kim Kardashian and she's been called fat by the press, to which sent a statement say, "Odd, I may be fat but I'm still ridiculously famous!". God I wish I was her in reality.

Comment by ashlee on April 4, 2012 at 7:12pm

LOL i do that
well i base their looks off like famous people or something
but then i change them a bit 

Comment by havoc on April 4, 2012 at 6:18am

aaaaaaand i probably should've posted these on the forum instead, i'm not with it today urgh

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